About Strollerboards (Baby Stroller Store)

Welcome to StrollerBoards.com, we’re so excited to have you here! As a parent myslf (of two wonderful kids, three years difference), I always find myself putting WAY too much time into researching things before I buy them.

My wife suggested I take some of that hard work and experience, and put it into written form for the other parents to enjoy, hence StrollerBoards.com was created!

Most of my earlier posts were focused on various ways in which a single stroller could be converted into a double stroller, because I already had a stroller and wondered if there was an easier way to accommodate another child.

And there are indeed various ways (ride-on board, connectors, extra seat) in which you could do that. The good thing is that even the double strollers have now become much lighter and easier to us (though the few heavy-weights do exist).

Help me help you

If you really appreciate the time and effort I’ve spent researching and sharing this information and experience, i would request you to support me by using this link directly at Amazon to buy things, from other baby items to books and household goods. It costs you nothing, but is this site’s biggest source of support.

Your support means that I am able to buy more strollers to personally review and help more moms & dads out, just like you. I want to help a new parent get the very best for their family.


We’ve put a LOT of time into this website, and are continuing to do so on a daily basis with things such as:

Gear Guides / Reviews
Top Stroller Brands
Stroller Parts / Accessories
Our Stroller Blog

And More On The Way!

Check back soon for a whole bunch of goodies.
