Stroller Reviews

Best All Terrain Strollers: Reviews (2024)

Best All-Terrain Stroller reviews. All-terrain strollers are designed for off-road use and let you easily push your child over almost any surface. These are basically a cross between a regular and a jogging stroller but look a lot more like regular strollers (as compared to joggers). You may skip to the best All Terrain Stroller on Amazon.


An all-terrain stroller (also known as off-road or hiking stroller) are great for taking your little one on outdoor hiking or trail adventure and even for use within a city with dreadful sidewalks. These come with a front swivel wheel (for better maneuvering) that also locks straight making it suitable for jogging. These off-road strollers have better suspension and provide a smooth ride to your baby while you get your fresh air outside or run errands.

The best off-road and hiking strollers are designed for rough uneven terrains. While you may be tempted to use the more common standard strollers on these terrains, however, I would not recommend it. The off-road strollers have features that are not commonly found on the more common umbrella strollers and bassinet strollers.

You get all-terrain strollers that are either budget-friendly or very expensive. You get quality all-terrain strollers for under $200, a few in the $200-$300 range, but the better ones usually cost more than $300 and can go much higher, depending on the accessories.

Things to look for in an all-terrain stroller: Wheels (available in three and four-wheeled versions), Weight and size, Maneuverability and Comfort. These are strong and durable, some even accommodate infant car seats.

Top All-terrain stroller brands include Thule, BOB, Baby Jogger, Mountain Buggy, Joovy and Graco. Active parents can choose one of these brands for their lifestyle.

Before you place your little one in in an off-road stroller and get off the beaten path, remember that kids need to have well-developed neck. It means your little one has to be at least 6-8 months (but do confirm with your pediatrician) in order to take a drive in an all-terrain stroller.

Best All-Terrain Strollers (At a Glance)

Here are some more choices.

Best High End All-Terrain Strollers

BOB Revolution Flex 3.0

Designed to glide over the toughest terrain with ease, the BOB Revolution Flex delivers an incredibly smooth ride thanks to its state-of-the-art adjustable suspension system, high-impact polymer composite wheels, and pneumatic tires and tubes.

Front swivel wheel locks. Adjustable handlebar, Ultra-padded reclining seat with a 5-point harness, Large canopy with viewing window, Huge storage basket and seatback pocket, Convenient 2-step fold. Weighs 28.5 pounds.

BOB strollers are known for their sturdiness and are extremely popular with parents all over.  Read more….

Bugaboo Buffalo

The Bugaboo Buffalo is a luxury stroller with large, air-filled tires designed to handle any terrain and perfect for parents who love adventure.

Features include height-adjustable handlebar, one-handed seat recline/reverse/release, rotating carry handle, huge storage basket that holds up to 35 pounds, self-standing fold.  The toddler seat converts into a bassinet (making it suitable from birth).

Being a luxury stroller it allows you to mix and match chassis, seat, and canopy colors.

Best Mid Range All-Terrain Strollers

Bumbleride Indie

The Bumbleride Indie is all-terrain jogging stroller with sleek looks.

Folds compact and weighs only 20 pounds. Lockable front wheel for running, reclining seat with adjustable footrest, breathable seat fabric, large canopy (SPF 45), big storage basket.

It’s also available in a 4-wheel version.

Thule Urban Glide 2

A lighter-weight all terrain stroller (weighs 23 pounds), the Thule Urban Glide is more of an “all-round sports stroller” that works efficiently on all kids of terrains – use it for jogging, on the beach, take it to the park trails.

Pros: Wheels, performance, large storage and sun canopy (with flip-out mesh visor).

16″ rear tires with rear suspension. Use it from birth to 77 pounds, the seat reclines in multiple positions. Stand-alone fold and quick-release wheels for easy packing.

Best Budget All-Terrain Strollers

Graco FastAction Fold Jogger

  • Pros: Excellent maneuvering, stable, easy fold with the pull of a strap
  • Cons: Heavy (30 pounds)

Popular and versatile all-terrain stroller, it combines all the positives of a traditional stroller with the features of 3-wheel fitness stroller.

Air-filled rubber tires. Accepts all Graco Click Connect car seats. Seat has multiple reclining positions. 5-point safety harness (converts to a 3-point lap belt for older babies). Holds up to 50 pounds. Handlebar height is good, large storage basket. Canopy with large mesh peek-a-boo window.

J is for Jeep Brand Sport Utility All-Terrain Stroller
This stroller combines rugged style with practicality. The wheels are designed to tackle bumpy or muddy terrain with ease, and the sun visor protects baby’s eyes and skin on the brightest days.

The seat can be made rear-facing for an infant, or turn it toward the front for a toddler.

All-Terrain Stroller: Buying Guide

What is an All-Terrain Stroller?

An All-Terrain Stroller can be used on all kinds of surfaces, including off-road surfaces such as gravel, lawn, trails and other rough surfaces. Strolling on the beach, through snow, slush is not an issue with these strollers.

An all-terrain stroller is also referred to as a fitness or sport utility stroller, or an off-road stroller.

  • These are not just for parents who’re walkers or joggers; these can be enjoyed by anyone.
  • These have a sporty, rugged look and is perfect for outdoor places like beach, park trails, fair, amusement parks and the zoo.
  • They are designed to move smoothly over rough sidewalks and an uneven ground, and this is why most rural families opt for all-terrains.

About the Wheels

These strollers come equipped with larger tires that grip all types of terrain. They have a front swivel wheel that also locks straight.

  • The wheels are larger, fatter and sometimes air-filled, providing better grip over less curated surfaces.
  • Almost all terrain strollers com with three wheels (as opposed to four wheels on some strollers).
  • The front wheel swivels for better maneuvering through tight spaces (aisles and doorways), and it can also lock straight for jogging purposes.

In case of strollers, a triangle is considered to be the stablest structure, and less susceptible to toppling.

Read more on stroller wheels & tires here.

An all-terrain stroller also a better suspension system. Even though all-terrains are larger in size than other strollers, they are typically easy to fold and store.

Difference Between a Jogger and All-Terrain

Is there any difference between a jogger and an All-Terrain stroller?

Although the primary difference is the front wheel, here are more differences:

  • An all-terrain has a front wheel that can swivel around or lock straight, while a jogger’s front wheel is permanently in place (locks straight).
  • Jogging strollers are best suited for running, but not always the best for maneuvering because of its fixed front wheel (not easy over sharp corners).
  • An all-terrain has a slightly smaller front wheel compared to a jogger (in most cases).
  • Jogging strollers may have a slowing brake on the handle for better control (while going down hills, etc.)

You can read more differences between All-terrain and jogging stroller here.

So can you use an all-terrain for jogging?

Yes, the front wheel can be locked into place and used for jogging.

However, if you intend to do so, make sure you get a good quality stroller from a reputable brand. The inexpensive all-terrain strollers may not be the best suited for running, because the wheels may wobble back and forth at higher speeds.

More Factors to Consider

All-terrain strollers are designed to cope with different surfaces. When evaluating all-terrain strollers, look for wheel size, storage capacity, ground clearance, ability to fold easily.

Things to consider when looking for an off-road stroller:

  • Weight and size: Off-road strollers are usually heavier than standard strollers. So make sure you buy something that can be easily folded and carried in the car.
  • Maneuverability: The stroller’s front wheels should swivel – makes it easy to get around tight corners.
  • Flexibility: a slim profile will help get through doors easily. For more flexibility, consider getting a stroller that allows you to attach a carrycot or car seat to the stroller frame.
  • Comfort: Needs to have comfortable seat, better if the seat reclines fully so that the baby can lie flat. The off-road also should have good suspension.

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