Categories: Stroller Reviews

Best Baby Strollers for Newborns & Infants

Best Baby Strollers for Newborns / Infants: The best newborn prams look good, are durable, are easier to push and comfortable for the baby. These are ideal for strolling with baby in the early months, and most have expanding / changing seat that can last through the toddler years.


A newborn pram has a seat which lies completely flat, which is extremely crucial for a baby in their first six months. Some stroller may offer a separate newborn carrycot/bassinet which can be accommodated on the stroller or simply have a seat which can recline completely.

Most newborn prams also allow parents to switch/reverse the seat positioning, with baby facing the mom for the first few months, and turn the seat around whenever the child is ready to look out and see the outside world.

Factors that you may want to consider:

  • How compact it gets (without compromising on the comfort)
  • Is it durable and likely to last longer?


Most newborn prams are expensive as they are durable, last longer and offer seevral features. You will most likely use this pram several times in a day for the first three to four years of your baby’s life.

Best Strollers for Infants/Newborns

Here’s a list of the best strollers for infants/newborns. Remember that different colors of the same stroller often vary in price, so you can save some money by choosing the less expensive color combinations. If you are the friend or family member of a new parent-to-be, you can consider a newborn stroller for a baby shower gift as well.

Best ‘durable’ newborn pram: Bugaboo Cameleon3

Bugaboo Cameleon3 is durable, keeps babies comfortable, moves smoothly, has a handbrake, and looks stylish (sleek design and bright colors).

It can take on rugged terrain or urban streets. It’s spacious but compact for public transport. It can also be used as a travel system with a variety of car seats.
The only downside probably is that it’s It’s not the easiest pram to fold down. But it has several poitive features.

Once the baby grows up, you move it from the newborn carrycot to the reclining chassis seat whenever s/he is ready to sit up and look around.

Best all-rounder infant stroller: UPPAbaby VISTA Pushchair

The UPPAbaby Vista carrycot is luxurious, versatile, super adaptable – supports additional kids of various ages – it can carry twins, a newborn and toddler, and even three kids if you attach a buggy board to the pram.

The newborn carrycot detaches with one hand, and the chassis is compatible with both BeSafe and Maxi-Cosi car seats.

The shopping basket is spacious, stands up when folded, and features real leather accents. It’s easy to maneuver on all kinds of terrain.

The toddler seat offers multiple recline positions.

Best newborn pram for parent-baby interaction: Stokke Xplory

The Stokke Xplory has a sightly different design compared to the other prams.

It features a higher-than-average adjustable seat for baby. It can handle stairs. The carrycot and toddler seat are comfortable and luxurious.

Parents also love the adjustable handle. It features a storage bag that fits snugly at the bottom of the buggy.

Overall, a stroller with phenomenal quality to take your baby through the newborn stage and well beyond.

Best Bassinet Compatible Stroller: Britax Affinity Stroller

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Can be used with any Britax car seat or bassinet
Oversized canopy for maximum sun protection
Option for forward or rear facing, and four recline positions

Bassinet sold separately
Fits only Britax brand car seats
Includes a lot of features that some parents may not need


Best Inexensive Travel System: Evenflo Vive Stroller & Carseat

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”n” identifier=”B018DWBDKC” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″]

Cheaper than many other options
Easy one handed fold feature

Less easy maneuvering than three wheeled strollers (because of Four wheel design)
Fabric on the seat is not breathable


Best Easy Travel System: Graco Click Connect Literider Stroller

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”n” identifier=”B01BGVLMIA” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″]

Has shocks on the front wheels for a smoother ride
Very inexpensive compared with other options
Infant insert allows you to use with or without your car seat

The seat fabric is not breathable
Does not work well for unpaved roads
Only fits Graco click connect car seats


Best Compact Car Seat Carrier: Graco Snugrider Elite Stroller

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”n” identifier=”B00UVW3WHK” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″]

Super lightweight aluminium frame
One handed standing folding system
Under carriage basket is strong and durable

Can only be used with Graco infant car seats
Does not have a sun canopy
Brakes are two step instead of one step


Best Rear And Front Facing Stroller: Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”n” identifier=”B00OZJ6MQI” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″]

Lightweight aluminium frame
Several reclining positions for forward or rear facing
Can be used with infants without having to install a car seat

Smaller side storage pocket
Does not have one-handed folding storage features
Does not fit infant car seats


Best High End Jogger: Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”n” identifier=”B01NCNY9GW” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″]

Different speed options for walking, running or jogging
Fabrics are eco-friendly recycled plastic
Can be used with car seat adapter for infants

Car seat adapter is sold separately
Heavier and More expensive than other strollers


Stroller for Infants: Buying Guide

Your pram is your ‘everything’ once you are out and about with your baby, and tat is why it is important to get right, especially with a newborn. It’s your baby’s bed, chair, dining room all in one, your transportation, security, shopping basket and mobile nursery. It’s also a part of your style and it must be practical. Designed for newborns to toddlers, infant strollers offer forward and rear facing modes and car seat compatibility.

When it comes to buying a stroller for newborns, you have couple of options:

  • Purchase a stroller that fits your infant car seat or
  • Use a regular stroller with an infant insert.


Both the options are available as double strollers, as well if you have twins, two under two, or even an older kid and a new baby. Convertible strollers are designed to fit babies from infancy till the become toddlers.

When it comes to choosing An Infant Stroller, things to consider include time spent on strolling, the terrain, the activities you do with your baby, and budget.

1. Infant-Only strollers have simple, lightweight frames that hold your car seat, they take up less space than a standard stroller, and are cheaper. These allow you to easily transfer your baby from the car to the stroller without disturbing them, which is so helpful especially when they are sleeping. Downside is that they can only be used as long as your baby is in an infant car seat.

Here’s a video that shows how to use a stroller for a newborn (infant).

2. Convertible strollers, on the other hand, allows multiple configurations. Most of the time, they have a normal stroller seat for older babies as well as the option to attach an infant car seat. Sometimes the conversion kit is included, or it may be sold separately. Some strollers use padded infant inserts or removable bassinets, so that you can put your baby directly in the main seat of the stroller as a newborn. With so many configurable options, these strollers are more expensive, but it will last you through your baby’s entire infancy and toddlerhood and can accommodate multiple children as well. Convertible strollers can also be used as Jogging strollers, so you can take your baby on long walks or jogs with you right from birth.

So what types of strollers are not suitable for newborns/infants?

  • Umbrella strollers: These are lightweight and convenient for parents, but they are not designed for young babies as they don’t provide adequate head and back support (for infants).
  • Jogging strollers: Most jogging strollers come with seats that don’t recline fully, so even these are ruled out for newborns.

Its important to use a stroller where the seats fully recline, for use by infants; newborns cannot sit up or hold up their heads. Only after a child is 6 months can he/she be seated in the stroller/car seat. Some strollers fully recline and some accept a bassinet attachment or an infant-only car seat, all of which works fine with a newborn.

You also get functional accessories that you can attach to the pram such as a travel organizer, bassinets, car adaptors, foot and rain covers, cup holders, handle bar bag, and a separate range of handbags that offer internal function and external style.

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