Stroller Reviews

Best Compact, Lightweight Baby Strollers, Reviews

The best lightweight strollers are light in weight, take up less space when folded, are very portable, offer lots of features, and are also very trendy.



In a Hurry? ​Check out Amazon’s Top ​​Rated ​Lightweight Strollers!



There are various types of strollers. While strollers like a travel system stroller offer lot of features and comfort, they are huge, bulky and cumbersome for certain situations. Umbrella strollers, though compact in size, can be too simple and may lack basic features (such as storage space).

A lightweight stroller, on the other hand, is one that is light in weight but offers more features.

These are great picks if you’re constantly carrying strollers out of car trunks or hauling them through airports. These will easily fit in the elevator or can be carried up the stairs. These also fold up to conveniently fit in a closet, or go behind the couch, or go under a bed when not in use. Most of these will also slide into a backpack and fit in the overhead bin of an airplane (so they are good for travel).

Unlike umbrella strollers, lightweight strollers offer full-sized features.

Things to look for:

  • Ease of use (easy fold, seat recline, etc.)
  • Safety (auto-lock, peek-a-boo window, harness, brakes, etc.)
  • Add-ons (what extras you get with the stroller)

Comparison Chart

Top lightweight strollers:

More lightweight stroller recommendations:

Best Lightweight Strollers

Here we take a look at the best lightweight strollers.

Chicco Cheerio Stroller

The Chicco Cheerio weighs just 5.6kg and folds flat to a compact size; the bumper bar also makes it easy to carry when folded. The stroller however has a low handle which can be a problem for taller parents, and the stroller also has a smaller basket. The Chicco Cheerio, however, is well-designed, has a lie-flat seat and the stroller can be used from birth to a max 15 kg (up to three years). The stroller also offers value for money (it’s a middle-of-the-range stroller).

Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller

Infant car seat-ready, can be used from birth, suitable for kids up to four years of age (supports weight up to 44 lbs).Weighs only 13 pounds, folds right into its included travel bag. Plus, it fits into overhead luggage bins.





The seats recline but not fully, wish it had a deeper recline. But for newborns, the stroller accepts Infant car seat.

Large sun canopy with flick out solid sun visor, shoulder strap for hands-free transportation, and a ventilated seat back when it’s reclined. Super slim wheels offer better maneuverability.

Buy Mountain Buggy Nano on Amazon

Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

The Summer Infant 3D Lite is a best-selling lightweight stroller that weights just 15.87 pounds and can accommodate a child up to 50 pounds.





5 point safety harness. 4-position recline. 6 inch wheels, decent storage area, nice canopy, carry strap for convenience.
However, the 3D Lite does not stand up on its own, and it is not that great for taller children.
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Graco Verb Click Connect Stroller

The Graco Verb Click Connect Stroller weighs only 18.9-pounds and has max weight capacity of 50-pounds.

It is easy to push around and you can even close it with one hand.

Features a small canopy (with a window). It features a parent tray as well as a child tray. Handle Isn’t Adjustable.

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Phil&Teds Go

Phil&Teds Go is one of the lightest, most compact, full-seat buggies available on the market. Suitable from birth, as it can lie flat with a full size sling seat, or it’s an ideal travel system to carry the phil&teds alpha infant car seat (travel system belt an additional accessory) to take you from car to stroller and back again.

Kolcraft Cloud Plus

Kolcraft Cloud Plus is more of an entry-level/budget lightweight stroller, priced under hundred bucks.





Its loaded with features for such a low price. Great for quick/short trips and very popular among parents.


Pros: Stand-alone compact fold, Big storage basket.

Weighs 11.8 pounds. one-hand self-standing fold. 5-point quick release buckle. Holds kids up to 50 pounds. multi-position seat recline, adjustable sun canopy (with extended visor). Snack tray with two cup holders.

Buy Kolcraft Cloud Plus on Amazon


Baby Jogger City Tour

Baby Jogger’s City Tour weighs just 14 pounds and when flded shrinks to the size of a carry-on bag.
Large UV 50+ canopy with peek-a-boo window, rear parking brake, and an ample underneath basket, reclining seat.
Comes with backpack-style travel case.

Ergobaby Compact Metro Stroller

The Ergobaby Metro is an ultra-compact stroller that folds down to a mere 21 inches tall and 15 inches wide, weighs 13.8 pounds. It features a sturdy fabric handle and can be carried around like a suitcase. It features a spacious seat that fully reclines and has a big-size retractable canopy.

The stroller is a collaboration between Ergobaby (leading baby gear maker) and industrial design studio Huge.

Best Lightweight Strollers for Infants/Newborn

Infant strollers have seats that recline fully, some allow car seats to be attached and some convert to bassinet-style strollers.

So if you’re looking for a lightweight stroller for newborn, you need to make sure the seat reclines fully (or there is some option for the baby to lie down flat).

Best Lightweight Strollers for Travel

While every parent would like to own a lightweight stroller, you need to consider other factors if you’re looking for a stroller for travel. You get strollers now that fold into a very compact size so that it fits in the overhead storage space on flight.

Read: Best lightweight strollers for travel.

Accessories for Lightweight Strollers

Snack Tray

Its recommended that you get a lightweight stroller with a snack tray, even if the doesn’t come with a stroller, you should buy it as a separate accessory.

The snack tray is a useful accessory that allows you to place your baby’s food and formula. You can also use the tray to place other things or toys so that the child is happily engaged. So if you’re planning to get a lightweight/umbrella stroller, get one that comes with a tray, or get it as a separate accessory. Lightweight, compact strollers with snack tray are her to stay.

Lightweight Baby Strollers: Guide

Strollers that were made until a few years back were heavier and it was difficult to fold them, lift them and move them around. Things have now changed with the availability of much lighter strollers.

Strollers offer several benefits to moms. Without strollers life would be a lot more inconvenient and it would be a pain to go through the day to day activities if you had babies to handle as well. Make your life easier with lightweight baby strollers.

Lightweight baby strollers are becoming more popular nowadays because of the several benefits it offers to parents. For people short on space (or who just don’t want the baby’s stroller to take up their entire entryway), with a lightweight stroller you won’t have to worry about how you’re going to wrestle the carriage into the closet each and every night.

Why Lightweight Baby Strollers
Even if you go outdoors it is much easier to maneuver a baby stroller that is not heavy. A compact one will always give you better control and you can get past most narrow doors and corridors.

Even if you had to park it somewhere for a moment it will occupy much lesser space. You can easy move it around while doing your shopping and carrying other stuff.

There are several other instances where you will find it useful. If you have to go driving just dump the lightweight stroller in the car trunk and drive. Same applies if you need to travel by air.

So if you are a lot more into traveling, then you should select lightweight baby strollers because they are quite easy to fold and pick up.

Factors to Consider

  • Weight and Size: Should be lightweight and foldable to a compact size
  • Ease of Transport: Should quickly fold up, preferably with one hand. Should be easy to maneuver
  • Storage Space: Should take minimum storage space
  • Ability to Recline: It may add a bit of weight but offers convenience, allows your little one to nap while you are outdoors.
  • Have two small children, consider a double stroller.

Lightweight Strollers: Construction






Lightweight Metals for Strollers
Manufacturers did realize the practical difficulties of heavier baby gear and did try to make suitable changes to make them lightweight and convenient.

You will find that most recent strollers are made of aluminum as they are lighter, and also are much stronger and durable. Unlike other ferrous metals, aluminum is also less likely to rust.

So most manufacturers are resorting to aluminum and other lighter metals, to come up with better designs. A well-designed and lightweight baby stroller makes life much easier and folding the stroller should no longer be frustrating.

Baby Stroller Frame
In fact you get stroller frames that do the basic job and then you can use various kinds of accessories with it as per your requirements. Some of these frames comfortably fit in your car seat as well.

In general, the lighter ones need to have these features:

  1. Extremely light
  2. Easy to push…even with one hand
  3. Easy to fold
  4. Adjustable handle
  5. Smooth ride
  6. Easy to assemble
  7. Ability to be used with your car seat

Lightweight strollers vs umbrella strollers: Differences

While they are both lightweight and compact, there are a few differences between these two types of strollers. For example, Umbrella strollers have curved handles (that look like umbrella handles) and they also come with very basic features.

Read: Differences between lightweight and umbrella strollers


In the past, strollers used to by bulky but most strollers nowadays are compact and lightweight, which means you may not be able to build up your muscles by pushing them around. In case, you wish to do some exercise as well with your stroller, here are some fun ways to blend exercise with stroller.

There are several advantages of owning a lightweight baby gear, and just because something is lightweight doesn’t mean they are not solid or less secure. Most of them also give you additional features like food tray, pockets and placeholders; whether you need those extras is your personal choice but it really doesn’t push the weight a lot higher. But the best part for parents is that lightweight baby strollers are now here to stay.

So, which one did you choose?

Do you have a favorite? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below so that others may benefit from your experiences.

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