Stroller Reviews

Top Jogging Strollers for Runners: Reviews

Best Jogger Stroller Reviews. Parents of babies and toddlers can use a good jogging stroller for a brisk walk, jog, or run, which is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. Jogging strollers feature large bicycle tires and a front swivel wheel that can be unlocked for low speeds or locked into place when you’re running. These are best suited for parents who want to get a workout while wheeling their kids around. Skip to the best jogging stroller on Amazon

Introduction to Jogging Strollers

Getting back in shape is one of the many things that a mom has on her to-do list. Joining a gym may be difficult because of parking concerns (for strollers). A jogging baby stroller is the perfect equipment that will let you get started with your exercise routine, and will let you get out and run with their kids. There’s no reason to stop your running schedule once your little one comes along. With all the running strollers out there, you can always buckle the kid in and get running.

A jogging stroller has a 3-wheel design and comes with air-filled tires makes them better suited to bumpy terrains. When buying a jogging stroller, one needs to look at the wheel size (larger ones are more suited to handle rough terrain) and effective suspension in order to provide a comfortable ride. For hilly areas, a jogging stroller with a hand brake in addition to a parking brake is recommended.

These come with tube tires, just as on bicycles, which make them run faster, and because it can move faster these come with a special harness system that offers the perfect safety for your child.

Some running strollers now come with a built-in pedometer, which shows you how much you have run or walked.

Comparison Chart (At a Glance)

Feel free to discuss with running parents about what stroller they recommend, and there’s bound to be a heated discussion, but these strollers are mentioned repeatedly.

Jogging strollers are also becoming a bit more compact and yet deliver all the comfort and convenient features that ones expects in a modern jogging stroller.

Most manufacturers market their jogging strollers nowadays as “crossover strollers” that combine all the comfort and convenience features of a traditional jogging stroller while being more compact.

In terms of price, the Baby Trend Jogging Stroller is cheaper (and surprisingly offers a smoother ride).

Best Jogging Strollers for Runners

Today, there are so many brands of jogging stroller with multiple features, that it is natural for anyone to get confused as to which is the best. The more popular ones currently are the all-terrain jogging strollers, i.e. strollers that can be used on different surface or environment are termed all-terrain.

BOB Gear Alterrain Pro

BOB makes some popular jogging strollers that not only make jogging easier but is also comfortable for the child. The Alterrain Pro is the top of the line jogging stroller available from Bob Gear. It can be used for running and for strolling over different terrains. It accepts infant car seat (via the adapter) and adjustable seat accommodates children from birth up to 75 pounds.

It features air-filled tires and excellent suspension for a super smooth ride. The front-wheel locks in place or swivels. It comes with ergonomic handbrake for downhill control. The stroller also has a zip-top cargo basket for storing gear and reflective rims for increased visibility.

Adjustable handlebar, wrist strap, five-point harness, SPF 50 canopy, extra-large storage basket and several small pockets to keep important things close by.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Stroller

The Thule Urban Glide 2 is a sleek, all-terrain stroller with air-filled tires and superb suspension that provides great performance on all terrains. You can lock the front wheel for better stability during a jog, or leave it swiveling for better maneuverability while regular walking. It folds easily into a compact size with a one-handed motion. The integrated hand brake provides much better speed control on hilly terrain.

Baby Jogger Summit X3

The Baby Jogger Summit X3 is a better choice for those who like to jog fast or prefer to jog on hilly and bumpy terrain, as the Summit X3 comes equipped with a hand brake and features an all-wheel suspension system. The stroller has side vents in the canopy to ensure better ventilation.

Graco Fastaction Fold Jogger Click Connect Stroller

The The Graco Fastaction Fold Jogger features lightweight aluminum frame, which along with its large air-filled tires makes the stroller easy to push over most terrains. The stroller also can be quickly folded when needed.

  • Pros: Ease of use (easy to move and fold), child tray and parent tray with cupholders
  • Cons: The stroller has a large profile and could be too high for short parents.

This is an excellent crossover stroller that combines the best of a traditional stroller as well as an all-terrain jogger.

Max weight capacity: 50 pounds (from six months old and up). Dimensions: 40 x 24 x 42 inches. The stroller weighs about ‎32 pounds. More features include large canopy, parents tray, child tray.

Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller

The Baby Trend Expedition Jogger is a budget stroller but yet it provides a decent performance.

  • Pros: Budget-friendly jogging stroller that offers best bang for your investment.
  • Cons: Doesn’t come with an adjustable handlebar, suspension is okay (not really suited for bumpier terrain)

Large bicycle tires and a front swivel wheel (that locks in place). Adjustable 5 point safety harness and tether strap. Includes parent console and child snack tray, storage compartment and a fully adjustable canopy. Suitable for kids weighing five to 50 pounds. Converts to a travel system, if needed (accepts an infant car seat). It has a trigger-release compact fold. Footrest reflectors that greater low-light visibility.

Being an inexpensive jogging stroller, there are a few inconveniences too:
The seat lacks side padding, the wheels wobble a bit at high speeds. However, most other jogging strollers that comfortably handle different terrain, cost in the range four or five hundred dollars. For the price and the features, the Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller is a great buy.

Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller

The Chicco Activ3 features an adjustable suspension system (go with stiffer on even terrains, softer on bumpy trails, e.g.). As opposed to pneumatic, the tires are foam filled so you will never need to fill the air.

The canopy can completely cover the baby from the sun and comes with peek-a-boo window. Adjustable handle, self-stands when folded. Double cupholder and a slot to keep phone, wallet, or snacks for the adult. Many Chicco car seats (purchased separately) can be connected to the frame, allowing you to jog with the youngest infants or smaller kids. However, it’s bulky and heavy which can be a challenge for petite people to lift the stroller into a car. The basket under the stroller could have been bigger and more accessible.

Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller

The Zoom 360 Ultralight is lighter and stronger, and has a high seat that lets the child get a better view of the outside world. The seat also reclines to allow the child to take a little nap. It has a compact fold. Car Seat Adapters. Mesh Pockets. Graphite Colored Aluminum. Includes parent organizer, running leash, and tire pump. The stroller comes with an adjustable canopy and a peek-a-boo window so you can check on your little one while running.

Thule Chariot Cross Sport Stroller

The Thule Chariot Cross Sport Stroller is expensive but it’s like several different strollers combined into one product. The Thule Chariot Cross can be used to bike, jog, stroll, and ski. Thule VersaWing system enables easy conversion between activities, regardless of the kit used.

Cargo space can be stored away for increased stride while jogging. Includes bicycle trailer kit and strolling kit. It can be fitted with covers that will keep out rain and snow and keep your little one warm and dry. Product weight: 28.2 lbs folded dimensions: 33.66″ x 24.4″ x 14.76″.

Burley Solstice Jogging Stroller

The Solstice jogging stroller is a perfect blend of style and functionality. It folds easily with one hand, and has a lockable front swivel wheel.

Its easy to get the child in and out of the stroller, its also easy to lower AND raise the child’s seat one-handed. In fact, it’s easy to use most of its features one handed. The stroller has great suspension, a big canopy, huge cargo space and adjusts easily. Its slightly on the heavier side though (29 lb. weight).

Best Double Jogging Strollers

Thule Urban Glide 2 Double

The Thule Urban Glide, both the single and the double versions, are the best in their respective categories.
The Urban Glide 2 Double comes packed with several useful features that any parent of two kids will appreciate. Hand brake for better speed control, ergonomically shaped handlebar for better grip. Despite being a double stroller, it folds into a surprisingly compact size.

Baby Trend Expedition Double Jogger Stroller

It’s very difficult to find a nice quality double jogger at such a low price as the Baby Trend Expedition Double. Each seat offers several recline settings and supports children up to 50 pounds each.

Fits two children. Uses durable all-terrain pneumatic rubber bicycle tires. Foot-activated rear brake.

Fits two children, 5-point harness, ratcheted canopies, lockable swivel casters at the front, two trays and cup holders for kids. Features MP3 plug-in and speakers.

Joovy Zoom X2 Double

The Joovy Zoom X2 Double is among the more lighter double strollers, weighing just 28 pounds, and is a suitable choice if you find jogging hard enough, especially when you have to push a couple of small kids along. The stroller looks stylish too, especially its canopies.

Best Jogging Strollers with Travel Systems

There are several jogging strollers that are also compatible with travel systems, so in case you do not wish to buy everything separately, then these Jogging Stroller Travel Systems are a great option.

Graco Modes Jogger 2.0

The Graco Modes Jogger 2.0 is a reversible stroller that provides several different ways to walk, jog, or run together as your child grows. The stroller is easy to steer and offers your child a safe and comfortable ride. Large canopy with UPF 50 rating, reflectors in the wheels, adjustable cushioned calf rest.

Evenflo Folio3 Stroll & Jog

The Evenflo Folio3 is designed to be used for a range of activities including running errands around town and exercising in the park. When folded, the stroller self-stands making it easier to put into your vehicle if need be. The stroller comes with an included car seat that clicks securely into place in the stroller.

Jogging Stroller Accessories

At the least you may require a place to keep the water bottle, your mobile, and probably your purse/wallet. A much easier way to carry these personal belongings is to use an accessory such as a baby jogger universal console/organizer.

Usually these come with a cup holder, insulated cooler pouch and additional storage pouches. These are compatible with most single and double baby jogger strollers.

Jogging Stroller: Guide

Jogging is a great way to keep fit and to beat stress, and a quality jogging stroller allows Moms and Dads to stay fit, while kids get to experience “adventure” and some fresh air. These are great companions for all your family adventures. Use these to enjoy both touristy stuff and for runs.

Here we take a look at the features available on the best jogging strollers.

Pneumatic Tires

Jogging strollers come with large air-filled tires/wheels that enable them to easily take on bumps. The wheels have pneumatic tires that make it easy to push the stroller on both smooth as well as bumpy roads.

The other feature to look out for in wheels would be the diameter. Wheels with big diameter and narrow tires tend to perform well. These are easy to push and cover more distance per revolution just like your bikes. Most of the baby joggers reviewed have 16” front wheels that are large but have narrower low profile tires than others.

The wheels on these strollers are good sized and are also easily removable. You also usually get a pump along with the stroller so you can easily fill up when the wheel is going flat.

Front wheels swivels, locks

They have large swivel wheels in the front which is what stands out in these strollers. The front wheel can swivel for easy maneuverability or lock for stability while jogging.

The ability to lock and unlock the front wheel is very helpful. You can run up hills without having to slow down, or you can run to the grocery store with the wheel locked in place, then unlock it to comfortably navigate through crowded aisles.

It also can be easily maneuvered through tight corners or crowded places and you can lock the front wheels to convert them to fixed wheel strollers that track in a straight line while you are jogging.

An important reason for using a jogging stroller in fixed-wheel mode when jogging is — if the stroller hits a bump, you want the wheel of the stroller to be fixed in place so the stroller doesn’t veer off, and even tip over”.

Narrow vs Wide Stroller Profile

Another choice to make is between wider strollers and the narrow slimmer ones. While the slimmer strollers have a short distance between the rear wheels and are easy to wade through tight corners, wider strollers are more stable plus they have more room for carrying bigger babies.

Fixed or Swivel Wheels

Usually, Fixed front wheels are more suitable for running as they are far more stable. However, they can be a bit difficult to steer, so you need to get used to that.

But because turning is more difficult on a fixed front wheel, it also acts as an essential safety feature, in case you are a serious runner. These are designed to avoid accidental sharp turns at high speed, especially if it hits a rock and if it shoots sideways.

  • So in case you have hilly terrain, it is better to opt for fixed front wheels.
  • On the other hand, if you just want to walk or do slow jogging, and are looking for all-terrain wheels that also gives you the stability of a jogging stroller, then a swivel wheel will make more sense to you.

For full-speed running, however, nothing beats the stability of rigidly locked front wheel though.

In case, you wish to have the best of both, choose one that has a front wheel that swivels for walking, but can be locked for running.

Adjustable Handlebar Height

The next thing you want to check off the list is the handlebar height. A jogging stroller with an adjustable handlebar height is the best choice especially if you and your partner are of different height. You may be tall and want the handlebar at a different height than your partner who may be shorter or taller than you. A height-adjustable handlebar suits users with varied heights.

You should always maintain a straight profile while jogging with the stroller and for that you need the handlebar to be at the right height. If you have to stoop too low while running, that indicates that your handlebar level is not in the right height and if you continue to use it, it could cause serious problems for your back in the long run.

5-point harness for better safety

All Jogging strollers strollers come with a 5-point harness in order to keep the baby secure in the stroller while you jog. Make sure the jogging stroller that you’re buying has a 5-point harness with height adjustable straps.

Read more on 5-point safety harness belt here.

Hand-operated brakes are better for jogging

Strollers come with a parking brake that is either foot-operated or hand-operated. For jogging, a hand-operated brake (like that on a bicycle) offers better control while you jog, especially on hilly terrains. So check out the brakes of the jogging stroller.

Jogging Strollers Have Better Suspension

You need a jogging stroller that can absorb the jerks from the bad roads or bumps for which you need a stroller with a good suspension system.

Strollers with better suspension and shock-absorbing systems provide more comfort to the child, and the child will hardly experience any jerks. The suspension is provided by the coiled spring and compressed air shock-absorbing system that provides a smooth bump-free ride for your child.

Ruggedness for Various Terrains

Your jogging stroller is bound to undergo a lot of wear and tear. The weather, the uneven roads, rough handling, etc everything is going to affect the jogging stroller which is why you need a jogging stroller that is rugged.

Ideally any jogging stroller with high strength aluminium frames and wheels, and easy care hard-wearing fabrics are a good bet. You also get strollers with molded plastic wheels which are light in weight but they do not score highly in our review for the best jogging strollers for runners.


Is your youngest child old enough for a jogging stroller?

So how old should the baby be before he/she could go on a ride on a jogger stroller? Most stroller manufacturers recommend that your baby be at least 6 months old before going out on a jogging stroller (assuming you’re going to jog and not just walk). BOB, one of the top stroller manufacturers, plays it safe and recommends that the baby be at least 8 months old.

Take Your Paediatrician’s Opinion
To be doubly assured, you may check with your baby’s doctor or pediatrician. Your pediatrician is the one who’s closely observing your baby’s development and can tell you if the time is right.

Young babies lack sufficient head or neck control, which comes into play when encountering rapid movements and bumpy rides. And because the safety of your baby is, of course, paramount, it makes sense to take your doctor’s opinion as well, especially if your child is under a year old.

Get used to the stroller

Running is also a great way to bond with your kids, and most kids also enjoy going out for a stroll with mommy. If you have two young kids, you can take them out on a double jogging stroller.

But, even if your little one is not yet ready for jogging, you may still buy a jogging stroller and use it for walking, until he/she is ready. It will also allow you to get accustomed to pushing the stroller, and kids will get used to riding in it.

Make sure you are healthy to start exercising

Another important consideration is the health of the mother. Make sure you’re healthy enough to undertake a fitness program. Unless you intend to do simple walking exercises, you should check with your doctor as to whether it’s okay for you to start jogging.

Here are some challenges faced by parents while using jogging strollers.

Air-filled tires can get punctured

You need to regularly check that the stroller tires are inflated to the right levels, as per the manufacturer’s guidelines, for smooth running.

Air-filled tires also easily get punctured so you will always need to carry a puncture repair kit, including an air pump. Unfortunately, the kit can take up valuable space on the stroller, and you will also need to learn how to use the repair kit to fix a puncture.

Not among the lightest

Jogging strollers are not among the lightest strollers; these are not designed for light traveling. In case, you move around a lot by public transport or in your car, it makes sense to invest in another umbrella stroller or a convertible, travel system stroller, in addition to a jogging stroller.

Wobbly Wheels

There are some strollers on which the wheels wobble a bit despite being locked. Some manufacturers may debate that the wobbly wheel is a deliberate feature so as to retain the ease of turning them around tight corners. However, with a wobbly front wheel, the jogger stroller just tends to drift a little, breaking the running pace for the jogger.

So, make sure that you opt for a jogging stroller with a firm lock. The best option would be to go for a fixed front wheel stroller which prevents all the wobbling and keeps the stroller straight.

Some parents find it difficult to push the buggy because it keeps veering to one side. It could happen if the stroller is not properly aligned to the front wheel, or if the tires are not inflated to the right pressure as described in the user manual.

Also, because you get sweaty while running, you need a rubberized handlebar that absorbs well. A lot of parents complain that the rubberized handle on their stroller does not absorb sweat well. However, the primary purpose of a stroller handle is to provide a firm grip so that you do not run the risk of losing control of the stroller, and not really to soak up excessive sweating. Wearing a sweat hand band could solve that problem in case of profuse sweating while jogging.

Closing Thoughts

Most parents enjoy some form of exercise or the other; some like working out, brisk walking, jogging. Many new parents go through a process of doubt with regards to jogging and leaving their baby home or not jogging and staying with their baby. Both choices are extremely hard, but if you have a jogging stroller, you don’t have to make that choice anymore. With a jogging stroller, a parent can take their baby along with them while they enjoy their run.

Jogging Strollers are high strength, rugged and strong strollers; not only are they built to last, but these also come with all the good baby safety and comfort features that are important in baby joggers. Moms who had taken a break from their fitness routine to look after their little ones now can get started on their fitness schedule by using one of these jogging strollers that are built for runners.

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View Comments

  • Many new mums opt for jogging as the best exercise to get in shape after having a baby. Jogging strollers allows you to take your baby out when you are jogging. These strollers can be pushed at high speeds and its not bumpy even on uneven terrains. These strollers are comfortable for the baby to ride in and incude several safety features as well. A jogging stroller has three whells and come with large pneumatic rubber wheels. The front wheels can be locked so that the wheels don’t swivel sideways while you are running. These have nice suspension system built in, include safety harness for the baby. You can adjust the seat and the canopy to ensure that the baby is comfortable. The handlebar can also be adjusted for added convenience.

  • You can adjust the alignment of the wheel in such a way that it tracks well on straight lines when jogging with the front locked in forward position. In addition, jogging strollers come with pneumatic tires that work well on any terrain. You don’t even need to put any effort in pushing the stroller, be it in sand on a beach, on snow, or off road trails.

  • These are not among the cheapest. You can expect to pay anywhere between $200 to $650 for these jogging strollers, it can even go higher for the the double strollers.

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